Our Summer Term has begun. With warmer weather on the way, our school's red and white gingham dresses can now be worn. Please remember to send your child in with a bottle of water daily.
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Whitehall Junior School

Happiness at the heart of learning

Great Ormand Street 5K Fun Walk/Run for Charity

This week, Whitehall Junior School took park in Great Ormand Street (GOSH) Charity’s 5k family fun walk/run, RBC Race for the Kids, to raise funds to help build a new Children’s Cancer Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital.  It was an event that was thoroughly enjoyed by all and we were pleased to see so many family members come and join in this event, thank you for your support.  We are pleased to announce that we raised £451.00 for the GOSH Charity plus £104.45 Gift Aid.  Thank you to all those that sponsored Whitehall Junior School!
