Our Summer Term has begun. With warmer weather on the way, our school's red and white gingham dresses can now be worn. Please remember to send your child in with a bottle of water daily.
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Whitehall Junior School

Happiness at the heart of learning

Year 3 Visit to Uxbridge Town Centre

On Tuesday November 12th, Year 3 had a very successful and enjoyable afternoon out to Uxbridge town centre.  This coincided with the children’s geographical and historical topic learning, ‘Our World’.  On the day of the trip 90 eager children made their way to Uxbridge High Street for the first adventure; Uxbridge Underground Station.The children then had the opportunity to further expand their knowledge of local history, led by very attentive and welcoming TFL staff members, we explored the control room and crossed the barrier to have a closer look at the different trains and lines. Also, we were all mesmerised by the stunning stained glass windows inside the station.


In addition, we had the chance to visit the bus station beside the Tube station and learn about the different buses, routes and how to read the different timetables. The cherry on the top of our trip was a visit to our local library. We were very lucky to have the pleasure of listening to a story, asking questions about how to get our library card and learning how to borrow books, comics and DVDs from the library.


By the end of the afternoon a very excited group of children were more than ready to make their way back to school.  The children chatted excitedly about the different experiences they had had on the day.  Overall, it was a hugely successful trip, where once again, the children behaved beautifully throughout the day and made their teachers very proud.   


A very big thank you to the teachers and staff that helped make this trip so rewarding and educational, whilst helping to bring the children’s learning to life.
