Our Summer Term has begun. With warmer weather on the way, our school's red and white gingham dresses can now be worn. Please remember to send your child in with a bottle of water daily.
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Whitehall Junior School

Happiness at the heart of learning

Uxbridge High School's Anti-Bullying Ambassadors share an important message

Our thanks go to the six Anti-Bullying Ambassadors from Uxbridge High School who joined us this afternoon to present to pupils in Years 5 and 6. Speaking to us in anti-bullying week's 'odd sock' day, the students explained the different forms of bullying and how to reach out for help. They spoke with confidence and clarity and shared personal experiences, explaining how their roles at Uxbridge High School support and guide students to manage relationships positively. They were proactive in reaching out to us and wanting to spread their wise words across Key Stage 2.
