Our Summer Term has begun. With warmer weather on the way, our school's red and white gingham dresses can now be worn. Please remember to send your child in with a bottle of water daily.
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Whitehall Junior School

Happiness at the heart of learning

Great Britain Athletes in School

On Monday 21st June, we were most fortunate to have two Great British athletes visit our school as part of our Health and Fitness Week events.  We were visited by British Champion and European medallist, long jumper, Feron Sayers and GB Gymnast and World Champion, Dominic Mensah.  To start the day off, they delivered an inspirational assembly where they spoke about having a growth mindset and the personal qualities needed to be successful in life, not just sport.  They then carried out a PE lesson with each class bubble - the children thoroughly enjoyed working with these professional athletes and a great time was had by all!
