Our Summer Term has begun. With warmer weather on the way, our school's red and white gingham dresses can now be worn. Please remember to send your child in with a bottle of water daily.
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Whitehall Junior School

Happiness at the heart of learning

Christmas Market

Whitehall Junior School's Christmas Market took place on the afternoon of Friday 2nd December.  It was lovely to see so many members of our community at the market, enjoying the Christmas spirit by joining in games, activities, purchasing items from our numerous stalls and indulging in the lovely BBQ!  The atmosphere was amazing and the choir certainly sang Christmas carols that put us all in the festive mood. Thank you to all those who managed to come along to celebrate with us and to each year group for their enterprising talents as they developed their own businesses. The year group who made the greatest profit will be rewarded with a treat next week. 
