Year 3
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Welcome Bees, Caterpillars, Dragonflies and Ladybirds!
Welcome back to Spring Term 2025! We hope you have had a lovely break with your families and are well-rested in preparation for the new term - it's a busy one!
In English this term we will study ‘Iron Man’ written by Ted Hughes. Then later on in the term, we will be reading ‘One Plastic Bag’ by Miranda Paul. Within these units, we will be focusing on diary writing and persuasive writing.
In mathematics, we will revisit all topics taught in the Autumn Term to consolidate and build upon your learning. The topics we will cover are:
- Number and Place Value
- Addition and Subtraction
- Multiplication and Division
- Fractions
- Measurement
- Geometry and Properties of Shape
- Time
- Statistics
Alongside this, we will continue to learn and practise times tables using Times Table Rockstars. Please continue to practise these at home!
Our science units this term are: ‘Forces and Magnets’ and ‘Rocks’. The children’s learning will include: learning about the different poles, everyday uses of magnets and how magnets repel and attract. In their ‘Rocks’ unit, the children will learn about different types of rocks and investigate how rocks are formed.
In geography and history, we will build upon your learning of the UK and local geography completed last term and will focus on mountains and rivers in the UK and compare them to those worldwide. Our history topic this term is 'Early Britain' and we will explore settlements food, farming and culture and learn about what life was like during these times.
Within our foundation subject this term, we will develop your sewing skills to create a bookmark in design technology and you will continue to develop your glockenspiel and singing skills in music as we explore the song ‘Three Little Birds’ by Bob Marley.
Your weekly homework this term will be as follows:
- Reading daily with an adult and recording this in Pupil Planners.
- Learning spellings (set on a Monday and tested on a Friday).
- Grammar study book - teachers will specify which pages each week.
- Mathematics study book - teachers will specify which pages each week.
- Weekly practise of specific multiplication tables.
- Optional further practise of core skills through Reading Plus, TTRS, Spelling Shed and Mathletics online.
We will all continue to follow the school rules: ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ and model our school values: ‘Bravery, Respect, Integrity, Determination, Generosity and Excellence’, as well as always demonstrating beautiful manners. Good behaviour will be noticed, your name will be written on our recognition board and recognition time on a Friday afternoon will be filled with fun and exciting activities! Exemplary behaviour will be rewarded with a ‘Golden Ticket’ which will mean that you will be put into a raffle and have a chance of receiving a special reward with Mrs Moloi (the Headteacher). We are looking forward to sharing your successes with you.
Don't forget, there also Weekend Wonders you can complete with your family and optional extension activities which are attached below.
We are looking forward to working with you this term!
Mrs Beceiro, Mrs Norman, Miss Guernieri, Mx Spacey-Magean and Mr Keegal.
Year 3 Class teachers.