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Pupil Premium

For details of our school sports and use of this funding, please see the 'About Us' menu and select 'School Sport and Funding' page.

Having returned to school from lockdown (March - July 2020), all Pupil Premium pupils were considered for the Government's catch-up provision.  Our 2020-21 catch-up premium funding plan can be found here.

Whitehall Junior School is committed to ensuring all pupils fulfil their potential and reach for excellence.  We accept that there are factors that can hinder this progress for some children and we are determined to work actively to reduce the impact of these barriers.  These barriers include: irregular attendance, being a late joiner to our school, special educational needs, English as an additional language and specific individual family needs. Our Pupil Premium Grant is used to support children and families who are entitled to receive the Pupil Premium Funding so that we can work to narrow any attainment gap.

Whitehall Junior School receives additional funding for Pupil Premium pupils. We report on our spending and their progress each year.

If you believe your child may be eligible for Free School Meals, please contact the school office about this, where we will guide you on what to do.  IMPORTANT:  Please be aware that even if your child is entitled to Free School Meals and you do not wish for them to have this service, it is important that you still register your child's entitlement as they would still receive additional funding which can be used by the school to support them in reaching their full potential through many other services the school provides.

Funding Allocation for 2024-25

The school will receive £176,055.00 Pupil Premium funding from April 2024 to March 2025 budget.  We will also receive £1,340.00 additional funds for Pupil Premium Service Children and £5,060.00 additional funds for PLAC. Our Recovery Premium funding allocation this academic year is £17,764.00 and we have £6,276.14 carried over from our Pupil Premium Funding from 2023-24.  Governors, teachers and the well-being team of staff have decided to apportion the money as outlined in the Pupil Premium Strategy Document below.

Planned Strategy for 2024-2025