Welcome back to the start of the Summer Term.
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Whitehall Junior School

Happiness at the heart of learning

Health and Fitness Week

What an action packed week we have planned!  Firstly, the staff hope you all liked the gift of a skipping rope which you were all given today and will use it, either at home or at school, to keep you active!


Following on from your Easter projects, 'Healthy Body, Healthy Mind', we have various activities organised this week to develop your knowledge and understanding of how to lead an active and healthy lifestyle further.  We have a whole school fitness competition happening - to test your stamina - as well as other planned sporting tasks to develop your specific skills (so remember your PE kits everyday this week).  As well as this, we were fortunate to have Caterlink lead our assembly this morning to discuss healthy food choices and complete food workshops with Year 3.  We are very fortunate to have a fruit stall on the school playground on Tuesday morning so remember to bring some change!


To conclude the week we will complete our annual Sponsored Walk on the school field so please remember to ask for sponsors as all of the money raised will go towards purchasing further sports equipment for your PE lessons and after school clubs.


So remember...Keep Fit, Stay Healthy and Enjoy!
