Year 5 Art Project

Whitehall Junior School has been very fortunate this year to have Emily Gopaul (founder of the Primary Art Class and the go-to person for all things art and design in education) work with us to introduce some new units of art study to our curriculum. Year 5 have introduced the new art unit 'Body Art' with the expertise, guidance and support of Emily. This unit of study focuses on celebrating our diversity and uniqueness; how we come together to make up our happy, vibrant school community. The final piece of artwork from this unit of study is to be a cast of each pupil's hand and lower arm, decorated in a way to celebrate their uniqueness. During the planning stage, the children were encouraged to consider their interests, culture, heritage and hobbies to support them in their own Body Art final cast design. We are excited to share that we are now in the construction phase of this cast-making and the children are thoroughly enjoying working with a new material, modroc, in order to create their cast. In the coming weeks, the children with transfer their planned designs onto these casts.